Friday, February 27, 2015

Dramatic Play Ideas

For this week, in the three year old classroom, the children made a garden for their dramatic play area. I brought in a cardboard box and slit three holes in it. The box represents the ground from where the vegetables grow.  The class colored some vegetables (carrots, green beans, tomatoe, peppers). I made a carrot, tomato and green beans to show the group how the garden looks. After they were finshed, we discussed why vegetables were healthy and good for us to eat, what veggies ghey lke to eat and how vegetables grow. Then, I let them slide their vegetables into the slits and pretend they're growing a garden. The second project we did had to do with making annimals. We made a bear and a sheep. The childen loved playing wigh them after they were finished and were pretending to be the animals.

Friday, February 20, 2015

music instruments

This week, our one year old class used homemade instruments

to make some sounds to go a long with the music that we played. The first one, was a drum instrument. We used wax paper and a coffee can. We wrapped the wax paper over the coffee can and secured it with a rubbr band. The children enjoyed druming on it and were really getting into it when the music started playing. Another instrument we made was a shaker, with an empty water bottle and some beads with rice. Most of the children enjoyed playing wih it, there were a couple that were not sure about the noise it made. Overall it was a great experience for the group of one year olds to have.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Art Appreciation crafts for children

In the one year old classroom, I did two art appreciation crafts that they could do and went along with the shape of the week and the colors of the week; which was a heart and the colors were red and pink.  I had my one year old's make a heart out of construction paper pieces.  I drew a heart shape and had them put paper around the lines.  Some of the children got the concept of it, other I had to guide them through.  They really enjoyed looking at what they made after they were finished with the craft.  The second art piece was rings that had the colors pink and red.  I had pink and red paint out and the one year old's dipped it on a toilet paper roll and then stamped the paint onto  the white paper.  The children had a lot of fun with it, they were smiling when they would put it on the paper.  Some of the children got really excited and would stamp the paint all over the paper which was nice, other just stamped in one spot.